Makeupppppp 101

Makeupppppp 101

Maaakkkeeeuupppp!!! Holla holla! Everyone loves a good lil’ makeup blog!! I wore the same type of makeup in the same way for yearsssss and never thought twice about it… until about a year ago when I got super annoyed with my makeup and my look, and I decided to really...
Brow Journey And Tips

Brow Journey And Tips

So, enough with this serious studio stuff. Let’s talk eyebrows! I get a lot of compliments about my eyebrows and honestly this is just a tribute to God’s work in my life because lemme tell ya, these brows have been through a lot with me and to say they...
Lotion, Face Products, and Body Wash, Oh My!

Lotion, Face Products, and Body Wash, Oh My!

So last week I did my whole spiel about my view on the products we use and how they effect us as well as the balance that needs to take place even with how “clean” products are. More info on all that here. Lets pick up where I left off! Skinnnnn, ok so our skin is the...
Clean pits, happy pits.

Clean pits, happy pits.

Ok, let’s talk products… clean, safe and edible? products. When I started my whole transformational journey of eating clean, the lotion I used was the last thing on my mind. I just was trying to get through the day without doing a line of Splenda (not really, but...
Keep Calm & Whiten On!

Keep Calm & Whiten On!

SOOOO, let’s get real deep and talk white teeth mmmkkk?? Yes, there is a genetic contributing factor, therefore everyone in my fam has somewhat white teeth, but I have also learned some tricks for my chompers over time that I think could be helpful! So,...